Hi! I’m Meg —

grace finder, simple life seeker, and lover of good words.

I write about the things that matter most to me in my actual life and I help you do the same.

So what’s my story?

In August 2015 my entire life changed when my husband and I learned of our oldest son’s terminal diagnosis when we were just sixteen weeks pregnant. The next day I began to write - partially to update our friends and loved ones about what we were facing, but partially as an outlet for me as I grieved and as I celebrated.

Fast forward several years later and my lifelong love for writing shifted from being a personal processing space to being a place where I offer authenticity, encouragement, and grace.

I write because I know that there’s grace to uncover if we actually pause to see it. I help you write because I know that you have something important to say, too.


Let’s give voice to our vision for what matters with grace.

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To know me means to know I love…

my people,

my home,

a warm, sunny day,

& tacos.